Is Cinnamon Bad for Dogs?

You may be wondering, can dogs eat cinnamon? Luckily, cinnamon is not toxic to dogs. Not only are certain kinds of cinnamon non-toxic for dogs, but they can also provide some health benefits in the right amount.

standing through pet door

However, should dogs eat any cinnamon at all? The first key step is identifying the type of cinnamon. There are two varieties of cinnamon commonly used in recipes:

Ceylon Cinnamon: Deemed the “true” cinnamon, this variety is harder to find and more expensive. It is a light brown color and comes from Sri Lanka and has a sweeter taste than Cassia cinnamon. It has lower Coumarin (an aromatic organic chemical compound found in many plants), so it is generally safe for dogs.

Cassia Cinnamon: This variety of cinnamon comes from Indonesia and China and has a stronger taste and darker brown color. It has high amounts of Coumarin and is not recommended for dogs.

Coumarin is toxic in large amounts, so it’s very important to understand what type of cinnamon your dog ingested if they got into your pantry.

Is Cinnamon Healthy for Dogs?

Cinnamaldehyde is a compound found in cinnamon that provides a lot of its health benefits, as detailed below:

  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Improved heart health for dogs with high blood pressure
  • Anti-inflammatory properties for reduced swelling and inflammation
  • Antioxidants for improved cognitive function
  • Anti-fungal properties

How Much Cinnamon Can a Dog Have?

Although small amounts of cinnamon may have some health benefits for your dog, it’s essential to check with your veterinarian before incorporating it into your dog’s diet. They will determine whether it is right for your dog and instruct you on the proper amount. Generally, a half teaspoon of cinnamon every now and then can have some health benefits.

The Pet Poison Hotline says that a teaspoon of cinnamon has no toxic effect on your dog. However, pay attention to the size and weight of your dog, as this will impact the amount of cinnamon they can safely have. Speak with your vet to learn what is right for your dog.

If your dog ingests cinnamon and shows any of the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Low blood sugar
  • Changes in heart rate

After speaking with your vet, you can determine if cinnamon is right for your dog. There are even some commercial pet treats that contain safe amounts of cinnamon for your dog. However, your dog may simply not like cinnamon as it is a strong smell and flavor. Check out some common smells dogs hate.

Wondering what other common household ingredients dogs can have? Check out our recent posts on apple cider vinegar for dogs and the benefits of chlorophyll for cats and dogs. Have a cat? Here are eight human foods your cat can eat too.

Elizabeth Muenzen

Written by

Elizabeth Muenzen

Content Specialist

Pets: My dog Benji is mixed Yorkie, Poodle, Chihuahua, and MaltiPom (YorkiPooChiMaltiPom?), yet he mysteriously bears no resemblance to any of these breeds.
Fun stuff: I love to cook!

Content Specialist

Pets: My dog Benji is mixed Yorkie, Poodle, Chihuahua, and MaltiPom (YorkiPooChiMaltiPom?), yet he mysteriously bears no resemblance to any of these breeds.
Fun stuff: I love to cook!

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